Karel Gott | Pjesme | Careless Love

godina: 1960

vrijeme: 1:58

glazba: William Christopher Handy

text: Martha E. Koenig, Spencer Williams

orkestar, hor: Karel Vlach

studio: Strahov

druge verzije:

Love, oh love, oh careless love,
oh love, oh love, oh careless love.
You've broked the heart of many poor girl
But you'll never break tis heart of mine

You'll see what careless love will do
You'll see what careless love will do
Oh no You'll see what careless love will do
makes you kill yourself and your lover too

Oh no You'll see what careless love will do
makes you kill yourself and your lover too

Oh love, oh careless love,
Hm love, oh love oh careless love

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