Karel Gott | Lieder | Stay
Jahr: 1987
Zeit: 3:22
Musik: Ladislav Štaidl, Karel Gott
Text: E. G. Oliner
Orchester, Chor: Ladislav Štaidl
Studio: Supraphon
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Right at the edge of a dream
Aimless and lonely
Wondering day after day where will it lead
Fade place again and again
Where is the meaning
The moment is near, I hold you, my fear
This afternoon may be my last
Don't go now, I don't know how
To live without you
Don't be afraid to stay with me
We can be free
The burning sun, the air is calm
My fate is waiting
Will I live to see you once again
Right at the edge of a dream
Dreams gone to ashes
A few lonely tracks in the sand
Tell me you're gone
Sweat drops are burning in my eyes
Someone is weeping
A long journey ends while I pretend
It had to be only a game
Don't go now, I don't know how
To live without you
Don't be afraid to stay with me
We can be free
The burning sun, the air is calm
My fate is waiting
Will I live to see you once again
Don't go now, I don't know how
To live without you
Don't be afraid to stay with me
Or set me free
Don't go now, I don't know how
To live without you
To have you near me in the night
To hold you tight
Then tomorrow is mine