Карел Готт | LP With Love From Prague
[С любовью из Праги]
Lady Carneval (2:57)
Ó mami dík (3:45)
Oči barvy holubí (3:04)
Píseň jak vánek (4:23)
Hej, hej, baby (3:43)
El Condor Pasa (Nech mě spát) (2:51)
Láska bláznivá (3:19)
Kávu si osladím (2:34)
C'est la vie (3:08)
Poutník (2:59)
Píseň pro Káťu (2:44)

LP Apon (USA) 2510
2008-06-03 23:03 | Charles
Liked K. Gott's music during the golden era (late 60s-early 70s) It was his best output during this time period. Would like to see this album as well as his other earlier works re-issued on CD. Also like the Album cover (who is that beautiful woman on the cover? That's what I'd like to know.)