Original: In The Still Of The Night rok: 1987 muzyka: Cole Porter tekst: Vlastimil Hála, Miloslav Ducháč orkiestra, chór: Ladislav Štaidl studio: Ladislav Štaidl
rok: 1989 muzyka: Karel Svoboda tekst: Karel Šíp orkiestra, chór: Elektrovox studio: Elektrovox
CD Supraphon (CZ) SU 5884-2 312
In May of 1989, the last new album of the 80's was released. It was completely recorded back in 1988 already, so it was released with a half-year delay. It's a good and interesting album, however, it feels as if we could feel the tiredness of Karel Gott he often mentioned. It's also the last album where Ladislav Štaidl and his orchestra cooperated. From some points of view, this album sounds a bit old-fashioned today, but we can even find hits there, which still feel current, such as Svět má ty chvíle rád, Kam se to ztrácí, Nevím proč bych nepřiznal... We can also recognize longer adult-growing of Karel's voice, the colour is darker, it becomes massive and loses its heights.
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