Karel Gott | CD Každý má svůj sen (levná edice)
[Everybody Has a Dream (cheap edition)]
Každý má svůj sen (2:19)
Cestu znám jen já (2:39)
To je hezky (3:10)
Máš-li s kým (3:18)
Život proudí (4:50)
Včelka Mája (1:40)
Kdepak, ty ptáčku, hnízdo máš? (2:38)
Schůzka s princeznou (3:15)
Prašná cestička (1:29)
Noc plná snů (2:46)
Kolik hvězd ti z nebe mává (3:09)
Nech si krásný sen zdát (2:53)
Ukolébavka (2:54)

CD GoJa (CZ) 401 342 028-2
This album has caught our interest, on contrary from the last ones, at the first time listening. From a record estimated for children, you can not really expect any deeper values, but for easy listening and nicely spent moments, it's an ideal album. It's clear and readible, not fake or undercharged. An album of this type (if we do not count its German version) has been released as a part of Karel Gott's discography for the first time ever. But despite of some of the same songs, several songs differ quite a lot from the mentioned German version. It's listening experience is much better, it sounds leisure and lively. Even the song Circle of life by Elton John cut better here. The album can not be pointed out for any errors as far as the contents, song choice, new songs or their performance are considered - the album has fullfilled the expectations. We take no exception even to involving of two older, previously released tracks, which really fit here. But we are really disappointed by the technical quality of the album and its restricted distribution, as a cheap CD.