Original: Stop Me If You've Heard It All Before rok: 1977 muzyka: Ben Findon tekst: Václav Babula orkiestra, chór: Ladislav Štaidl, Václav Kozel studio: Mozarteum
In 1977, Karel Gott recorded a new Czech album, again with a plain year name, again a successful one and once again very positively reviewed. We can say that it's re-edition, which has been recently released on CD has grown even better by adding of singles, though the cover versions do not reach the quality of their originals, even if they have different arrangement. The album has been awarded by golden record for artist value and we can find such hits there as Jdi za štěstím (Go In Search of Happiness - Just Carry On) or Nádherný chór (Beautiful Noise).
2009-12-01 14:18 | strunka
jooj, toto LPcko som mala pozicane, ked som chodila na zakladnu skolu. parada. a na CDcku je este 13 bonusov, no myslim, ze si to idem z nostalgie hned aj kupit
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