Original: Io che ho te rok: 1969 muzyka: Giorgio d'Adamo, Vittorio de Scalzi tekst: Rudolf-Günter Loose orkiestra, chór: Studio-Orchester, Günter Kallmann Chor studio: Polydor
Original: Islands In The Sun rok: 1969 muzyka: Harold George Belafonte tekst: Kurt Feltz orkiestra, chór: Studio-Orchester, Günter Kallmann Chor studio: Polydor
Original: Ave Maria rok: 1969 muzyka: Johann Sebastian Bach tekst: Charles François Gounod orkiestra, chór: Studio-Orchester, Günter Kallmann Chor studio: Polydor
Original: You're Such a Goodlooking Woman rok: 1970 muzyka: Mike Hanzelewood tekst: Jiří Štaidl orkiestra, chór: TOČR - Josef Vobruba studio: ČRO - Praha
Original: Indian Love Call rok: 1971 muzyka: Rudolf Friml tekst: Jiří Aplt duet: Eva Pilarová orkiestra, chór: TOČR - Vladimír Popelka studio: ČRO - Praha
Original: Till rok: 1972 muzyka: Charles Danvers tekst: Zdeněk Borovec orkiestra, chór: TOČR - Josef Vobruba, Jezinky studio: ČRO studio A
2CD Sony Music (CZ) 501682-2
In mir klingt ein Lied, it is a pleasant sounding, belcanto-feeling album from 1969, which was released in a very exceptional way at the Supraphon company as well, but only with a fade black and white and boring sleeve. It is a really colourful album and we can find pop, classic, musical and even rock, Chopin, a wonderful Ave Maria and even Rolling Stones there. The album was very successful and it has contributed to the quick rise of Karel Gott's popularity in western countries and it was released in several club versions as well. A half of the songs of this album have never been recorded by Karel Gott in czech. The album was recently released on CD, together with the czech title Hity '71.
2010-02-01 09:53 | Juraj
Toto cd má dobre hlavne bonusy, ale platna je len po nemecky
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