Karel Gott | LP Karel Gott Sings Golden Classics

  1. album song  Text  Schön wie der erste Tag (2:45)
  2. album song  Text  Das Morgenlicht löscht die Sterne (3:54)
  3. album song  Text  Märchen aus 1001 Nacht (4:14)
  4. album song  Text karel gott mp3 Nütze deine Zeit (3:15)
  5. album song  Text  Komm auf mein Schloss mit mir (4:19)
  6. album song  Text  Canon (3:37)
  7. album song  Text  Der Schwanensee (3:46)
  8. album song  Text  Deine Zärtlichkeit (4:03)
  9. album song  Text  Sing a Song (3:30)
  10. album song  Text  Überall auf der Welt (3:04)
  11. album song  Text  Rosen im Herbst (3:55)
  12. album song  Text  Kennst du meine geheimen Träume (3:55)
Karel Gott | Karel Gott Sings Golden Classics

LP Columbia (JP) OS-2990-S, YS-2709-S

In 1972, Karel Gott has again focused on classical melodies of the greatest world famous compositors only (Verdi, Bach, Cajkovskij, Mozart, Pachebel, Rimskij-Korzakov, Brahms, Schumann, Vivaldi, Albinioni) and we have to say that he has done it in a very successful way. This is now no really big belcanto and Karel Gott interpretes these beautiful melodies with real feeling. Especially Le Cygne, Nabucco and as the greatest one Air from Bach - it's a real masterpiece. The album was released in Spain and in Japan under Columbia company label, as well.

PROMO '72: The LP "Hol' die Welt in dein Haus" comprised international hits. This time, Karel has once again entered the musical Time Tunnel to bring "Schätze der Vergangenheit" (Treasures Of The Past) to light. Of course, he has popularized classical themes through his LP "Von Bömen in die Welt" but in "Schätze der Vergangenheit" he pioneered in interpreting originally instrumental compositions as vocals. The themes range from the "Air" from Bach's famous third Orchestra-Suite ("Schön wie der erste Tag") to Schumann's A-Minor Piano Concert interpreted as "Rosen im Herbst" and Rimsky-Korssakoffs " Sheherezade" as "Märchen aus 1001 Nacht". Having the support of such excellent arrangements, Karel can once again demonstrate his 'Golden voice of Prague' — a name given him by his admirers. On the current music scene, "Schätze der Vergangenheit" is without competition.

In the entertainment field, one seldom finds a voice as that of Karel's tenor with its sparkle, power and lyrical expression. Listening to the orchestral parts of the individual titles, it is difficult to find comparatively good classical versions as these; even though this subject isn't so new. The arrangers and music directors Rob Pronk, Rolf Rosemeier and Rudi Bohn left out a lot of the old 'classic' and modernized the compositions. The German lyrics are as remarkable as Karel Gott's voice. This excellent result was the work of five lyricists led by Bert Olden. It has been proved here that the fault, that majority of the songs have such a low standard, doesn't lie on the German language, One can well sing about dreams, roses and love without being slushy; and simultaneously have the standard of A Ibinoni, Brahms or Vivaldi. Of course it is necessary that one has lyricists as in this production and a singer of the quality of Karel Gott. Then, and only then, could our grandchildren inherit the "Treasures Of The Past".