rok: 1963 muzyka: Karel Hašler tekst: Karel Hašler duet: Pavlína Filipovská orkiestra, chór: ČST studio: ČST
CD MC Bonton (CZ) 710468-2
An album of the edition CD Complete, which this time covers all the film soundtracks of Karel Gott from 1963-64 - again all of the songs can be found here, weak tracks and great hits. Eg. Kdyby sis oči vyplakala, Život je bílý dům or Zdvořilý Woody. The version of this song is really only a soundtrack and rather weaker that the studio record, which can be found on the double CD Original records from the 60's. The best track is the live version, which can be found on the album Pár havraních copánků. Even if Karel Gott was always singing it with huge aversion as he said, here you can feel the opposite of this feeling...
2009-11-28 13:29 | Juraj
dobrý priam výborný
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