Karel Gott | CD The Best Of 1968-98
[Das Beste von 1968-98]
Die Welt war schön (3:01)
An jenem Tag (4:48)
Du bist für mich wie die Sonne am Morgen (3:52)
Nie mehr Bolero (3:41)
Das sind die schönsten Jahre (3:35)
Auch Wunder geh'n vorbei (3:45)
Wenn du aufwachst, bin ich da (3:40)
Mara, Mara (2:56)
Amapola (4:03)
Die tausend Türme meiner Stadt (2:56)
Fang das Licht (3:32)
Bis ans Ende aller Strassen (4:36)
Was damals war (4:12)
Zeit zu geh'n (4:04)

CD Polydor, Spectrum, UMP (PL) 559311
This is a very successful selection of 14 hits, mostly newer songs from the 90's. The album was released in 1998 for the first time, following by releases under several labels (Polydor, Polygram, Spectrum, Koch Universal). It's worth buying as it also includes new records, which were only released on maxi-singles before. It's a new version of the Sinatra song The world we knew in German version, which Karel Gott recorded arlready in 1968 and this song was released in Czech version as Hluboko, hluboko on the album Swing collection (the English version of this song was only recorded for the album of Bert Kaempfert). Then a Russian folk song, well-known under the name Those were the days, which is unknown in performance of Karel Gott and which only was released on maxi-single and Balkan hit Mara, Mara, an unknown record in Czech verison again. But the other songs from this album are well-known in Czech version, even if sometimes in different arrangements.