Karel Gott | CD Romantika (komplet 21)


  1. album song  Text  Deštivý den (4:02)
  2. album song  Text  Kdo z nás smí se vrátit (4:17)
  3. album song  Text  Teď už víš, že jsem to já (4:28)
  4. album song  Text  Kam tenkrát šel můj bratr Jan (6:58)
  5. album song  Text  Půjdem spát (3:44)
  6. album song  Text  Pár havraních copánků (2:28)
  7. album song  Text  Lorelay (3:42)
  8. album song  Text  Do re mi la (3:13)
  9. album song  Text  Amore mio (3:29)
  10. album song  Text  Až jednou (3:37)
  11. album song  Text  Vším byl bych rád (4:12)
  12. album song  Text  Na rozloučenou (2:53)
  13. album song  Text  Just Carry On (Go In Search Of Happiness) (3:37)
  14. album song  Text  Love Me Tender (2:55)
  15. album song  Text  So In Love (3:39)
  16. album song  Text  I Walk Alone (4:09)
  17. album song  Text  Moon Lady (3:34)
  18. album song  Text  My First Love (3:13)
  19. album song  Text  Amore, amore mio (3:28)
  20. album song  Text  Your Song (4:00)
Karel Gott | Romantika (komplet 21)

CD Supraphon (CZ) SU 5636-2

In 1977-78, Karel Gott recorded the legendary album Romantika, which ranks among the best and which really is timeless and still current. As the name tells, it is an album of romantic melodies and cantilens, cover versions and hits from the Czech production. The whole album is adorable balanced and provides a very pure, clear sound and feeling. Only in Czechoslovakia, the album has been sold in more than 250 000 copies. The reviewers of the past were excited about it in the same way. Especially songs Do re mi la, Lorelay from Czech authors or covers Pár havraních copánků (Love Me Tender) or Deštivý den (Your Song) from Elton John have became hits. Maybe only this song stays behind the original. But the original has been overwhelmed by Karel's German version in 1971. The slightly changed album was released in English versions, among others in Japan and it is one of the few old records, which made it to the most selling current titles in the TOP 40 IFPI (Czech national chart).