Original: Pil jsem včera anno: 1976 musica: traditional paroli: Bert Olden orchestra, coro: Úsměv, Jasenka, Broln, Gajdoši studio: ČRO - Plzeň, Brno
LP MC Polydor 2371701
In 1976 Karel Gott recorded an outstanding folkore song album for Polydor in Czechoslovakia with czech musicians. The album was filled with czech and moravian folk songs. We can find the most beautiful songs sung in czech and german, for all of them let's mention Ej od Buchlova, Alou vivat, To se to tancuje or Plzenská šenkýřko, pivo nalej. This album belongs to the best of folk records of Karel Gott. It is really a colourful and contains more different styles than a rather united album Böhmische Kirmes (Bohemian Fairs).
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