anno: 1975 musica: Rudolf Friml paroli: Karel Hrnčíř orchestra, coro: Karel Vlach, Lubomír Pánek studio: ČRO
CD Supraphon (CZ) SU 5501-2 311
At the end of 1975, Karel Gott released a new album, which without exaggeration belongs to the pure tops of his Czech production of the 70's and ranks among the best ones.
Although the reviewers opinion was different, it was accepted with enthousiasm of listeners. The album was quickly sold out and had to be coined. Every song was a hit. You can find there songs by Czech compositors and covers as well, and they can really be compared to the originals, if they are not even better. Propably just the track Vlak (Train) is a bit of crazy song, but it is a pleasant breakaway. On the album, the fresh and pure singing of Karel Gott is excelling, the compositors have also done their best. For every hit, let's mention at least Je jaka je (Sereno e), Leta prazdnin (Le Moribond or Seasons In The Sun) or Karel Svoboda's, Konec ptačich árii...
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