Karel Gott | 2LP Písně z televizního seriálu "Zpívá Karel Gott"
[Karel Gott Sings]
LP 1
Tam, kam chodí vítr spát - Kladivo - Babetta (6:50)
Granada - Buona sera - Cesta do nebe - Zlá noc (8:11)
Andulka - Růžový pahorek - Páni kluci - Točí se svět - Je nás jedenáct (7:55)
Kostky jsou vrženy (2:39)
Parla mi d'amore Mariu (Marion) (2:25)
Jsem na světě rád (3:08)
Tvůj stín se má (3:17)
Santa Lucia (2:53)
Pocit sváteční (2:33)
Lady Carneval (3:29)
LP 2
Prostý lék - Vaya con dios - Příliš mlád - Blues pro tebe
Nebeští jezdci - Lásko má - Znám, jak je krásné lásku dát - Tak plyne řeky proud (7:23)
Adresát neznámý - Měsíční řeka - Ptačí nářečí (6:46)
Zkus, louko, déle kvést (2:51)
Můj refrén (2:45)
Víc (2:47)
Finestra (Fenesta che lucive) (4:28)
Loď písní (2:30)
Dál plápolej (3:07)
Angelina (3:41)

2LP Supraphon (CS) 1 132 121-2
Under this simple name, you can find a double-album of songs and medleys of Karel Gott, which he presented in TV series of his own shows, mostly from the town Theatre in Slaný and even from Kutná Hora town. Records from the Czech TV are considered here, most of them have not been released on CD though and they will not ever be either. In the re-edition Complete they were released only additionally and gradually, only some of them and the series have not been released on DVD either, though it has been planned from the beginning. Some of the songs have been released (even if in mono, which is hard to understand) on CD Karel Gott ve Slaném in 2000 under BM and Universal Records as well. The series were running from 1973-78, and you can even find songs from its beginning here, the album was released in 1976. Some of the songs can unfortunatelly only be found here.