Karel Gott | CD Leben
[The Live]
Leben (3:42)
Ein graues Haar (4:06)
Weil die Hoffnung nie vergeht (4:14)
La Paloma (3:54)
Das wirklich wahre Leben (3:33)
Die Moldau - Ack Värmland du sköna (3:25)
Einmal um die ganze Welt (4:13)
The Second Waltz - Sonntags im Park (4:41)
Amapola (3:00)
Fang das Licht (3:31)
Ich bin da um dich zu lieben (3:53)
Bettler und König (3:06)
Der Himmel wohnt in dir und mir (3:27)
Irgendwann (5:22)
Merci Cherie (3:25)

CD Universal Koch 06025 2715390
In 2009, after a longer break lasting for several years, fans have again received a new long-awaited album. Many say that there´s nothing new to sing and despite of that, however, the market has been driven by young generation of musicians mostly and with them new styles and genres, mainly hip hop and techno-electronic music for a longer time. Some people may have also awaited that even the new Karel Gott album, which was presented as a duet album, would rather be a make the best of a bad job thing and maybe, nobody could really wonder. And even the pre-listening of the songs does not persuade us about the opposite, these were available before the album release in one of the e-shops (because such shops usually only play the first part of the record, where you can´t really hear anything). The bigger was our suprise when we listened to this record, which has to persuade even the biggest enemies, that Karel Gott still has a word to say in his age of 70, not only to his contemporaries. Even though his voice does not show the former glance and it is has an expressive darker colour, the sparkle and the load is still there and you can´t talk about any exhaution or consumption (and of course, his duet partners offer and give the best of themselves). From solo records, finally three records were included at the album (even though the booklet only mentiones two records). As a bonus, even two older records with André Rieu and Dalilah Lavi were included.The album does not miss invention and it offers very pleasant listening, combining belcanto and chanson, traditional repertoire, purely new songs, but even older songs in new, innovative presentation. We consider this album in total as an album of very high quality. Only the last song, Merci Cherie, may sound as the singer would take farwell of his career and his colleagues and that he would leave. We were looking forward to a duet between Karel Gott and Udo Jürgens, while it is his song (and formerly it was planned this way). But the cooperation did not work out here, in the same way as it happened with Bushido´s agency, if we consider the missing release of the duet Für immer jung on this album.
2009-12-01 13:36 | strunka
ja sa ospravedlnujem za to, co idem napisat, ale tak to citim. ked spieva karel gott v cestine, je to proste jedna nadhera. ale ked spieva v nejakom inom jazyku, tak mi to ide usi utrhnut. vypinam a utekam :)
2009-12-07 17:31 | Rostislav
S tou nemcinou je to docela zajimave. Prvni problem je v tom, ze nemcina se obecne Cechum nelibi a Karel Gott zpiva jinak nez rodili mluvci. Ale byl jsem pracovne v Nemecku nejakou dobu a ptal jsem na to domorodcu; ti mi - castecne k memu uzasu - rekli, ze jim se Karlova nemcina libi. Nekteri ji nazyvaji 'plzenska nemcina'. A taky je fakt, ze si Nemci Karla Gotta vazi vic nez Cesi, coz je docela skoda... Deska Leben me velmi mile prekvapila a nadchla. Jsem rad, ze ji mam.