Karel Gott | CD Augenblicke


  1. album song  Text  Babička (3:48)
  2. album song  Text  Die Biene Maja (2:37)
  3. single record  Text  Cara mia, ja (2:34)
  4. single record  Text  Die tausend Türme meiner Stadt (2:56)
  5. album song  Text  Ein Lied geht um die Welt (2:30)
  6. album song  Text  Einen Augenblick (4:13)
  7. album song  Text  Einmal um die ganze Welt (3:00)
  8. album song  Text  Fang das Licht (3:32)
  9. album song  Text  Für immer jung (3:29)
  10. single record  Text  Ich bin da um dich zu lieben (3:53)
  11. album song  Text  Im Prater blühen wieder die Bäume (3:32)
  12. single record  Text  Lady Carneval (2:58)
  13. album song  Text  Lass die Träume nie verloren gehen (3:10)
  14. album song  Text  Mandy (3:32)
  15. album song  Text  Musik, das ist mein Leben (4:47)
  16. album song  Text  Schicksalsmelodie (3:21)
  17. single record  Text  Was damals war (4:12)
  18. album song  Text  Weisst du wohin (2:40)
  19. single record  Text  Wie der Teufel es will (2:39)
  20. album song  Text  Zeit zu geh'n (4:04)
Karel Gott | Augenblicke

CD Universal Koch 060249812649

Augenblicke, this a a great selection from 2003 with 20 successful songs from different periods, there are really rapid jumps for a moment from period to period. We can also find a current hit there, a duett with the famous Austrian singer Monika Martin Lass deine Träume nie verloren gehen, which Karel never recorded in Czech.