Karel Gott | CD Schön, dass du geboren bist
[I'm Happy That You're Born]
Schließ deine Augen (3:29)
Pinocchio (3:04)
La Le Lu (2:50)
Die tausend Türme deiner Stadt (2:46)
Der Mond ist aufgegangen (3:06)
Die Biene Maja (3:53)
Der ewige Kreis (4:57)
Weißt Du, wie viel Sternlein stehen (4:57)
Wie schön, dass du geboren bist (2:51)
Dir gehört mein Herz (4:53)
Alle Märchen dieser Welt (4:04)
Guten Abend, gut' Nacht (2:58)

CD Universal Koch 06025 1700622
With the album called Schön, dass du geboren bist Karel Gott rather had a bet on security, at least in the range that if it won't sell well, it won't at least become a flop (this was the case at the album My Way from the same year as well). But the choice was more then good, at least at this album, the sale figures overreached all expectations when it became the most sold title of the company. It's rather a mono-theme album, mostly with traditional lullabies and songs for children, where we do not miss cover versions, folk songs, new songs, but even classical songs from Brahms (Guten Abend, gute Nacht), which Karel already sung in 1976 for his album Sonntagsmelodien. From nowadays already classical hits let's mention La Le Lu from Heinzo Gaze, which became a one of the most successful songs in 1950 performed by Loni Lellner and René Carol. Cover versions of world hits did not reach so high - Circle of Life from Elton John stays behind the original a bit and it's rather recorded too fast. Another hit You'll be in my heart from the film Tarzan, recorded by Phil Collins, got the same result in Karel Gott's performance, in comparison to the original, it's only a rehash without power. Totally the album sounds well and balanced, it does not affend but maybe it does not spellbind either.