Karel Gott | LP Malá sváteční hudba
[A Small Festive Music]
Snění (2:57)
Ukolébavka (3:15)
S láskou jdu k vám (2:59)
Árie Vaška (2:14)
O kráse těchto svátků (3:31)

LP Supraphon (CS) 1132248
In 1977, Karel Gott recorded a very pleasant album of classical melodies of masters of classic music from Bach to Mozart, together with the Václav Hybš orchestra. What should we add? The songs are in a more leisure, calm rhytm, kind of "sunday melodies". Karel sings only five songs here, in other songs you can here even Kühn children choir, the other are sung by the solo artist of the orchestra. We can even find a song "S láskou jdu k vám" which was recorded in 1998 as well, for the album Svátek svátků or the Mascagni's Theme O kráse těchto svátků which Karel recorded also later in 1995 for album Zázrak vánoční and even before in original Italian version for album La Canzone in 1973. The LP was released in 1978 and songs from this record were not released on the CD edition Komplet.
2011-11-13 08:14 | Jaroslav Novák
Škoda, že dodnes nedošlo k reedici na CD. Mám ze 70 let kopii na mgf pásce a i přes spoustu drop outů si ji okolo Vánoc pouštíme nejraději. Možná by pan Adam měl přemýšlet o znovu vydání.