Karel Gott | CD LP MC Es war ein gutes Jahr
[That Was a Good Year]
Madonna (3:26)
Feuer im Schnee (3:51)
Hier in meiner Strasse (3:50)
Fang das Licht (3:32)
Einmal schweigt der Wind (3:46)
Was weisst du von mir (3:26)
Es war ein gutes Jahr (3:42)
Schöne fremde Frau (3:48)
Liebe auf den ersten Blick (3:18)
Ein Freund kehrt Heim (3:14)
Zeit der Zärtlichkeit (3:27)
Ein Augenblick wird Ewigkeit (3:56)

CD LP MC Polydor 827470
This very successful, nowadays already a cult album, which was released in 1985, was the top of the golden era of the 80's. Its very similar Czech version, which was released under the same name, was recorded in the autumn of the same year, but released first in 1986. Only the following songs are common for the two releases Madonna, Hier in meiner, Einmal schweigt der Wind, Es war ein gutes Jahr, Liebe auf den ersten Blick and Ein Freund kehrt heim, so only a half of the album was recorded on the same base. Other songs have not been recorded in Czech versions, except for the hit Fang das Licht. (The song Zeit der Zärtlichkeit was only recorded by Czech female singer Jitka Zelenková.).