Karel Gott | CD Pokaždé (Zlatá edice)
[Everytime - Golden Edition]
- Pokaždé (3:43)
- Jestli Tě budu mít rád (3:52)
- Isabel (4:21)
- Jako James Bond (3:43)
- V zákoutí tvých promenád (4:12)
- Náhodou (3:20)
- Stíny dvou (3:06)
- Už vítr to svál (3:28)
- V zahradě snů (3:47)
- Tancuj Karolíno (3:42)
- Vím, jak dá se žít (3:33)
- Ve tvých zátokách (4:06)
- Tak jdem (3:11)
CD GoJa / Universal (CZ) 067041-2
In spring of 2002, after a longer pause, another new album was released, in the sign of modern sound, with brought fresh hits like Pokaždé, James Bond, Jestli tě budu mít rád, Vím jak dá se žít or Stíny dvou. The album has standard, good niveau and includes not only modern rhytm, but it bears a deeper experience of an older person as well. It propably is no big "bomb" but it is still worth listening. The album has been award with golded and platina record for outstanding sales and it has become one of the most successful albums of 2002.
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