Karel Gott | DVD Zůstanu svůj - hity z 80. let
[I'm Only Me - Hits of 80's]
- A to mám rád (2:24)
- Odnauč se říkat ne (3:17)
- Nestarej se, kamaráde (1:35)
- Žít (3:56)
- Hrátky s láskou
- Oheň v sobě máš (4:06)
- Pláč (3:18)
- Zůstanu svůj (3:59)
- Mlčení ve dvou (4:21)
- All Shook Up (1:52)
- To musím zvládnout sám (3:20)
- Neznámý pár (4:21)
- Oh, Marie (3:56)
- Zůstaň stát (3:20)
- Párkrát mlčet (3:45)
- Já žil, jak jsem žil (2:48)
- Portrét neznámé (3:44)
- Pábitelé (3:01)
- Z dávných dnů (2:05)
- Čau lásko (3:32)
- Mattinata (2:00)
- Bílá (4:23)
- Kantiléna (4:15)
- Zvonky štěstí (2:30)
- Lásko má
- Posel dobrých zpráv (3:58)
- Žárlivý (2:40)
- Holka v domě (4:00)
- Když milenky pláčou (2:49)
- Půlnoc v motelu Stop (3:47)
- Beatles (3:22)
- Chyť své dny (3:55)
- Muzika (2:58)
- Krev toulavá (2:41)
- Ráno jedu dál (1:17)
- Be My Love (5:07)
DVD Supraphon (CZ) SU 7092-9
The third part of the series, which creates a picture survey through the 80ies, has been released on the videoalbum Zůstanu svůj, with a concise name. The new period of time is coming, simple and enjoyable melodies of the 70ies have been replaced by discowaves, middle stream is pushed by other and new genres, popular music scene claims more from the listeners (resp. listeners claim more from the music). Karel Gott gains continuously strong competition of young singers, but he remains loyal to his Kantiléna, as mentioned in that song and he stays himself – Zůstanu svůj. And the time has prooved that it was a good choice. We can polemize about the choice of the songs, the singer has recorded quite a huge number of video records in this decade and a large offer was certainly available. Despite of the fact that the DVD seems a bit without concept and we could choose better records, it still feels comfortable. Here we can again regret the fact that every decade does not include two discs, but there´s nothing we can do. But in any case, it is again a reminder, especially for those of us who went through their growing-up period then. Only in rear view mirror, we can realize how much the time have changed, how fast it got, how unpersonal and unpolite – at the music scene as well. I often hear that this was a period when we did not have much to choose from, but still it was a better period in many aspects. Many people even consider this period to present the top era of pop music, even though this is a personal opinion and the matter of the fact to which age group you belong. But we just can´t stand the nostalgic feelings. On the other hand, many songs from ths period are really timeless, so we can feel as if they were recorded yesterday and there have not been so many changes after all…