Karel Gott | CD LP Spezialitäten aus Böhmen
[Specialities from Bohemia]
- Babička (3:48)
- Herz-Schmerz-Polka - Škoda lásky - Rosamunde (Böhmische Kirmes) (3:34)
- Goldene Sonne (3:31)
- Die Spezialität aus Böhmen (3:20)
- Keiner weiss, keiner weiss - Šla žena pro muže (3:15)
- Vínečko bílé - Už jsem obešel - Sedí sokol - Ta moja žena (Moravská suita) (4:23)
- Du Schwarzer Zigeuner - Cikánka (4:04)
- Tanz durch die Nacht (2:48)
- Alou vivat (3:42)
- Haju, haju (4:10)
- Das sind ganz besondere Mädchen (2:41)
- Weites Land (3:48)
CD LP Polydor 833455
After 1987, Karel Gott released for the first time on CD a representative selection of his most successful Czech folk and classical hits from the 70's, among these even one superhit can be found - Babicka (Grannie). Propably because of the nice czech-sounding name and mainly Czech specialities are considered on the album.