Karel Gott | 2CD Posel dobrých zpráv (komplet 32)

[A Messenger Of Good News ]

  1. album song  Text  Zůstanu svůj (3:59)
  2. album song  Text  Posel dobrých zpráv (3:58)
  3. album song  Text  Mlčení ve dvou (4:21)
  4. album song  Text  Zůstaň stát (3:20)
  5. album song  Text  Kantiléna (4:15)
  6. album song  Text  Ani náhodou, nechci lásku tvou (2:47)
  7. album song  Text  Ty se mi zdáš (4:29)
  8. album song  Text  Chyť své dny (3:55)
  9. album song  Text  Lady Moonlight (4:03)
  10. album song  Text  Nikomu nezávidím (3:25)
  11. album song  Text  Z diskotéky známá (4:02)
  12. album song  Text  Čau lásko (3:32)
  13. TV record  Text  Kostky jsou vrženy (2:39)
  14. TV record  Text  Dál plápolej (3:07)
  15. single record  Text  Co já vím (3:12)
  16. single record  Text  Svět jako víno (Tam kde září kaskády tónů) (3:24)
  17. single record  Text  Náš song (3:59)
  18. single record  Text  Párkrát mlčet (3:45)
  19. single record  Text  Staň se růží (4:47)
Karel Gott | Posel dobrých zpráv (komplet 32)

2CD Supraphon (CZ) SU 5884-2 312

In 1987, a legendary album was released, with a name with became of one further attributes of Karel Gott. It's an album, which was not only very successful in the listener rows, but very exceptionally, earned very good reviews as well, it was rated as one of the best Karel Gott ones. Most of the songs became hits, for all of them, let's mention Zůstanu svůj, Čau lásko, Kantiléna, Posel dobrých zpráv (Messenger of Good News)... We can find here beautiful cantilenas, and disco songs as well. It's one of the further albums, which has overreach the common standard in a high way. For Czech TV, a shortened video version of this album was recorded.