Karel Gott | DVD Když muž se ženou snídá - hity z 90. let

[When Man Has Breakfast With a Woman - Hits of 90's]

  1. TV record  Text  Eloise (4:11)
  2. single record  Text  Jarmark ve Scarborough (3:08)
  3. live record  Text  (You're The) Devil In Disguise (2:44)
  4. live record  Text karel gott mp3 Dívka z obrazu (4:10)
  5. live record  Text karel gott mp3 Běž za svou láskou (3:14)
  6. live record  Text  Deštivý den (4:00)
  7. album song  Text  Pravda hlásí svůj návrat (3:50)
  8. live record  Text  Granada (3:15)
  9. live record  Text  Zas budeš krásná (3:20)
  10. album song  Text  Jezebel (3:33)
  11. single record  Text  Song hrál nám ten ďábel saxofon (4:27)
  12. live record  Text  Catari, Catari (Core'ngrato) (2:55)
  13. live record  Text  Vše psát od prvních řádků (2:50)
  14. album song  Text  Buď mi sestrou, buď mi bráchou (4:35)
  15. live record  Text  Malagou, když struny zvoní (3:00)
  16. live record  Text karel gott mp3 Tiše den zhasíná (2:30)
  17. album song  Text  Lásko, tvoje jméno je Zkáza (3:42)
  18. live record  Text  Ráj bláznů (4:00)
  19. live record  Text karel gott mp3 One Night With You (2:40)
  20. live record  Text  Rána hlavou do zdi (4:05)
  21. live record  Text  Žalu dřív jsem se smál
  22. album song  Text  Hymna bližních (4:34)
  23. single record  Text  Být stále mlád (Navždy mlád) (3:31)
  24. live record  Text  Když muž se ženou snídá
  25. album song  Text  Krášlím tě lásko vším, co mám (3:13)
  26. album song  Text  Hříšné bolero (3:38)
  27. single record  Text  Mží (3:59)
  28. album song  Text  Kakaová (2:56)
  29. album song  Text  Co sudičky přály nám (5:04)
  30. single record  Text  Svet lásku má (5:21)
  31. album song  Text  Miluj (4:37)
  32. album song  Text  Pojď, půjdem spát do pohádky (2:07)
  33. album song  Text  Láska se v lásce ztrácí (3:09)
Karel Gott | Když muž se ženou snídá - hity z 90. let

DVD Supraphon (CZ) SU 7101

Another DVD from the edition tracing the singer´s career of Karel Gott on the domestic scene, differs at a first look from the previous ones, devoted to the 60ies, 70ies and 80ies. From 2/3s, this DVD contains only live recordings from concerts or playbacks from TV shows. But what can we do – the reason is propably the fact, that during the 90ies, there weren´t many videos recorded with Karel Gott and thus, the choice was not so big. Otherwise it could have been better, if the live recordings from concerts were released separatelly on a Live DVD. Among the live recordings, we would propably choose better and more precious songs and we would prefer to see more recordings from later 90ies – most of the recordings here are from the first part of the 90ies, which is a bit pity. Otherwise there is nothing to be pointed out at this album and certainly it is an interesting document of the production in the 90ies – a period which was a bit poorer if hits are considered, but despite of that, still it was rich if the quality of the recordings is considered. The voices is loosing its young glance and it becomes deeper and reflects experience.