Karel Gott | Canzoni | Láska bláznivá

anno: 1984

tempo: 1:40

musica: Karel Svoboda

paroli: Jiří Štaidl

orchestra, coro: Ladislav Štaidl

studio: Lucerna - Výroční koncert

altre versioni:


A couple of her and him
an orchestra sound
I'm looking back at them
with sadness in my eyes
I tend to feel blue

The wandering on the hill of Říp
it's better to walk double

I feel like crying
and asking the question
that sounds like a cheap joke

Why this crazy love
avoids me for years
it has little compassion
when I spend nights phishing

Why this crazy love
stays in a corner
why it doesn't attack me at all
and other people enchains

The wandering, the crazy day
bell-sound, silence and dole
if I could play the violin
to hear no kisses
to write a plain tree trunk

Story(1988) [ID 1062]
