Karel Gott | 2CD Koncert pro tebe (komplet 27)

[A Concert For You (Just For You)]

  1. album song  Text  Své srdce tobě dám (3:49)
  2. album song  Text  Což neřekl ti zrak můj tisíckrát (2:54)
  3. album song  Text  Tys láska má (1:50)
  4. album song  Text  A Vucchella (3:36)
  5. album song  Text  Má dívenka jak růže jest (1:49)
  6. album song  Text  Planá růže (2:06)
  7. album song  Text  Ó, Rose Marie (3:39)
  8. album song  Text  Vás ženy jsem líbal rád (3:31)
  9. album song  Text  Ty jsi moje slunce (3:29)
  10. album song  Text  Vím, proč mám život rád (2:39)
  11. album song  Text  Mandulinata A Napule (4:03)
  12. album song  Text  O, jak jsi krásná (2:27)
  13. album song  Text  Dobrou noc (3:27)
  14. single record  Text  Páridův soud (3:31)
  15. single record  Text  Tichý pavilon (5:03)
  16. single record  Text  Ó Rose Marie (2:49)
  17. single record  Text  Indiánská píseň lásky (3:34)
  18. single record  Text  Jednadvacet (3:08)
  19. TV record  Text  Joj, cigán (2:27)
  20. TV record  Text  Ženy, ach ženy (3:01)
  21. TV record  Text  Šampaňská árie (0:53)
Karel Gott | Koncert pro tebe (komplet 27)

2CD Supraphon (CZ) SU 5646-2 312

In 1983, an album with large bow orchestra of classical and light opera arias was recorded, which was also estimated for abroad, under the name Just for you. We can find real classical superhits there, in the unique performace of Karel Gott, which proof his mastership and feeling for belcano singing. The album can not be commented upon any errors and for Czech TV, even video versions of these records have been recorded. Some of the songs appeared here, unfortunatelly can not be found on this album, however some of them have been added as bonus tracks on its CD re-edition.