Karel Gott | CD Karel Gott '74 (komplet 16)

  1. album song  Text  Nic než láska tvá (3:25)
  2. album song  Text  Vítr mi odvál těch mých pár let (3:25)
  3. album song  Text  V kartách já smůlu mám (3:05)
  4. album song  Text  Nápoj lásky č.10 (3:10)
  5. album song  Text  Monte Christo (3:54)
  6. album song  Text  Byl jak já (3:05)
  7. album song  Text  Můj déšť (3:30)
  8. album song  Text  Spánku, sen mi dej (4:45)
  9. album song  Text  Dívka z obrazu (4:50)
  10. album song  Text  Ať láska má kde kvést (2:35)
  11. album song  Text  Můj refrén (2:45)
  12. album song  Text  Ne ne ne (3:00)
  13. TV record  Text  Kufr iluzí (2:43)
  14. TV record  Text  Šel tudy, měl dudy (1:03)
  15. TV record  Text  Půjčovna kostýmů (1:37)
  16. TV record  Text  Zednická (1:35)
  17. TV record  Text  Svatební (2:10)
  18. TV record  Text  Já mít tak dar (2:25)
  19. TV record  Text  Láska je výlet balónem (1:50)
  20. TV record  Text  Domů k nám (3:55)
  21. single record  Text  Paganini (2:36)
  22. single record  Text  Záhadnou lásku mám (3:58)
  23. single record  Text  Tvůj stín se má (3:17)
  24. single record  Text  Vyskoč, vstávej, k nám se dej (3:02)
  25. album song  Text  I'll Sugar Cofee More (2:30)
  26. album song  Text  Let Love Spread Far and Wide (2:30)
Karel Gott | Karel Gott '74 (komplet 16)

CD Sony Music (CZ) 508266-2

In 1974 another new and very good album was released, where Karel Gott again breathes one hit by hit... Despite of the fact that most of the hits from this album belong to the past, it still remains a great record, which can suite a nowadays listener as well. The album has dynamic potential, a drift, you can't really get bored. Propably only one track, Sugar Baby Love, cover version from Rubettes, was not accepted by the listeners and reviews with enthousiam, becouse Karel sings this version without falsetto. But it does not really hurt the song. On the album you can find especially hits Nápoj lásky č.10, Můj refrén or a wonderful melody Dívka z obrazu (The Girl From Paiting) - a real masterpiece. Unfortunatelly, the quality of the CD sleeve colour stays behind the old LP-record.

2010-06-02 16:44 | Juraj

Na bonusoch su piesne z filmu Hvezda pada vzhuru, Romance za korunu. Vsimli ste si že, pisen at laska ma kde kvest je tu po česky aj po anglicky?