Karel Gott | CD MC Mitten im Leben

[In the Middle of The Life]

  1. album song  Text  Ich freu' mich auf das Leben mit dir (3:06)
  2. album song  Text  Aus Liebe zu dir (3:49)
  3. album song  Text  Mitten im Leben (3:39)
  4. album song  Text  Moonlight Lady (4:25)
  5. album song  Text  Mit Dir ans Ende der Welt (3:05)
  6. album song  Text  Wenn du aufwachst, bin ich da (3:40)
  7. album song  Text  Perdona (3:56)
  8. album song  Text  Diese Nacht ist wie ein Märchen (4:17)
  9. album song  Text  Der Sommer in Athen (3:53)
  10. album song  Text  Ich kann rote Rosen nicht mehr seh'n (3:40)
  11. album song  Text  Heisskalte Tränen (3:16)
  12. album song  Text  Nachtflug (3:41)
Karel Gott | Mitten im Leben

CD MC Polydor 519350

In 1993, Karel Gott recorded for a longer time the last new, serial album estimated for West-European markets. It's a lively, modern album in a slighly faster rhytm, without any deeper meaning, but it is a pleasant record. It's something completely different from the previous albums and there is no similar album in Czech discography, it's rather a classical German style. Except for two songs taken over from the Czech catalogue (Wenn du aufwachst, bin ich da and Nachtflug), all of the records are unknown in Czech versions. Only the other title, fortunatelly placed at the end of the album, does not really fit here. Karel sings about a Night flight during a city jungle back to his lover's arms - even a more suggestional version. The album brought at least three big hits.

2010-10-14 00:41 | Ivan

Po poslechu ukázek a i mám toto album doma musím souhlasit že v české diskografii není nic takového možná podobného ale tohle je super album.