Карел Готт | EP Карел Готт

  1. TV record  Text  Я вас любил (3:08)
  2. single record  Text  Jen se hádej (3:13)
  3. single record  Text  Babylon (2:56)
  4. single record  Text  Отчий дом (3:16)
Karel Gott | Карел Готт

EP Melodija (SU) C 60-09311-12


In 1977, in the time when Karel Gott's popularity reach its top in the USSR, recorded an album almost completely in Russian for the Melodija records. It was definitelly the same company, which secured the awards in 1977-78 for the most popular singer in Soviet Union. To this album even two czech hits have been added - Já jsem všech roztržitých král and Tvůj stín se má. But no doubt, the greatest hit - even more than in its Czech version - has become the Russian record of the song Paganini. On this album, we can even find the Russian version of Mám zlatej důl, which is maybe rather even better than the czech one. The album is completed by russian national songs. The songs U vorot and Aj ty dušečka recently appeared on the re-editions of the album Karel Gott '77, but these are Supraphon versions.